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Aim: To assess clinical efficacy of nicotinamide in 2 the treatment of patients with early stages of malignant T-cell skin lymphomas and large-plaque parapsoriasis. Materials and methods: 12 patients with erythematous stage of mycosis fungoides and 14 patients with large-plaque parapsoriasis were treated by nicotinamide 15 mg twice daily during 2 weeks. Treatment cycles were repeated 4–5 times per year; topical therapy was also administrated. Results: Nicotinamide demonstrated high therapeutic effect and good tolerability in patients with early stage of mycosis fungoides and large-plaque parapsoriasis. Stable remission was achieved in 1  woman with malignant T-cell lymphoma and 12  patients with large-plaque parapsoriasis; significant clinical improvement was shown in 8 and 12 patients, respectively. Conclusion: Thus, nicotinamide is recommended for comprehensive treatment of large-plaque parapsoriasis and early stages of mycosis fungoides.

About the authors

I. V. Khamaganova

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; 1 Ostrovityanova ul., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Professor, Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology Department, Postgraduate Medical School Russian Federation

O. N. Pomerantsev

Moscow Research and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology; 17
Leninskiy prospect, Moscow, 119071, Russian Federation
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; 6 Mikluho-Maklaya ul., Moscow, 117198, Russian


MD, PhD, the Head of Veshnyakovsky Branch;

Associate Professor, Clinical Mycology and Dermatovenereology Department

Russian Federation

O. L. Novozhilova

Moscow Research and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology; 17
Leninskiy prospect, Moscow, 119071, Russian Federation

the Chief of the Department of Specialized Care, Veshnyakovsky Branch Russian Federation

V. P. Mitroshina

Moscow Research and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology; 17
Leninskiy prospect, Moscow, 119071, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Dermatologist, Shchelkovsky Branch Russian Federation

O. I. Shvets

Moscow Research and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology; 17
Leninskiy prospect, Moscow, 119071, Russian Federation

Dermatologist, Central Branch Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2014 Khamaganova I.V., Pomerantsev O.N., Novozhilova O.L., Mitroshina V.P., Shvets O.I.

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